Schengen visa application

A Schengen visa is issued for the purpose of transit through the territory of the European Union Member States or the planned stay in their territory, where the length does not exceed three months in any six-month period. A Schengen visa may be granted to a third-country national who is subject to a visa requirement when crossing the external borders of the Member States.

The Schengen visa application may be submitted at:

  • The diplomatic mission or consular office of the Slovak Republic abroad
  • At the border crossing point of the SR*

(*Only for humanitarian reasons, if the foreigner proves that his/her entry is urgent and that he/she could not anticipate it in time or it is in the interest of the Slovak Republic; or if the foreigner is a family member of an EEA citizen and this fact is credibly proven).

Granting of visa at the border crossing point

The police authority may grant a short-stay or transit visa at the border crossing point for humanitarian reasons if the foreigner proves that his/her entry is urgent and that he/she  could not anticipate it in time or it is in the interest of the Slovak Republic; in these cases the validity of a short-term visa shall not exceed 15 days and a transit visa 5 days.

Granting of visa at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic

An Embassy of the Slovak Republic abroad shall decide about the visa application within 30 days from the date of its acceptance. There is no legal claim on granting a visa. A visa does not automatically justify its holder to enter the territory of the Slovak Republic (it is necessary to demonstrate particulars necessary for compliance with the conditions of entry to the border control upon entry into the territory of the Slovak Republic, and the valid SR visa is only one of the conditions for entry – reference to Article 4 of Act No. 48/2002 Coll.).

Submit the following with the Schengen visa application:

  • Valid travel document
  • Colour photo 3 x 3.5 cm showing current appearance
  • Document proving the purpose of residence
  • Financial means for the stay
  • Financial means for travelling (e.g. a return ticket, or a reservation)
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Other documents (provision of accommodation, an invitation) not older than 90 days necessary for deciding on the application for granting of visa
  • Other documents according to the requirements of the ESR/GC SR
  • Upon request, the foreigner shall come in preson for an interview


Last Modify: 11. 10. 2019, 11:11