A to Z index of services - cross-border provision of services
On this page you can find information about cross-border services provision in Slovakia for listed services.
If you do not find the service you are looking for, it might belong to the unregulated trades. There is no notification duty for provision of unregulated trade on a temporary basis in Slovakia, however there might be some other duties that entrepreneur might have to fulfill before the start of provision of services.
- Accommodation services in accommodation facilities with catering activities in these facilities and in chalet class 3, in camp sites of class 3 and 4
- Activity conducted by mining manner or Projecting and designing of objects, facilities and works which fall under mining activity and activity conducted by mining manner or Projecting of large scale blasting activities
- Activity of a Professional forest manager
- Activity of an authorised person
- Activity of an environmental verifier
- Activity of safety consultant
- Administration of register
- Advocate
- Application of preparations for plant protection or other preparations
- Architect
- Assembly, reconstruction and maintenance of selected types of technological equipment
- Assembly, repair, performance of inspections and tests of selected types of technological equipment (only in the scope of supervision of state mining administration)
- Assessment of impacts on the environment
- Auditor
- Authorised civil engineer
- Authorised geodesist and cartographer
- Authorised measurements of emissions, general conditions of operation or technical requirements of stationary sources of air pollution or Authorised measurements of parameters of air quality or Authorised calibration of automatic measurement systems of emission, or air quality or Authorised examinations of automatic measurement systems of emission, or air quality or Authorised inspections of conformity of automatic measurement systems of emission, or air quality
- Authorised safety technician
- Authorised verification of messages about emissions of greenhouse gases from establishments
- Car body repair
- Carpentry
- Casting of precious metals
- Catering and preparation of ready meals for canteens designed for direct consumption outside the premises
- Civil aviation
- Classification of bodies processed in butcher way
- Cleaning and inspection of chimneys
- Collection, processing, storing, growing and placement into circulation of forest reproductive material
- Conducting fireworks
- Conducting professional preparation for applicants for proof of professional qualification of captain of a small vessel
- Conducting professional preparation in the area of prevention of serious industrial accidents
- Conducting professional preparation in the branch of fire protection
- Conducting trainings and examinations of applicants for the issuance of a certificate of professional qualification of a safety consultant
- Consultancy, training and education in labour safety
- Cosmetic services
- Dental Technics
- Destruction and disposal of ammunition during research, development and processing
- Development and production of weapons or ammunition
- Diagnostics and road motor vehicles repair
- Driving school instructor
- Emergency technician or Expert for prevention of serious industrial accidents
- Enamelling
- Entrepreneuring in the area of dangerous waste treatment
- Exchange offices
- Exchange of sales, leasing and purchase of real properties (realty business)
- Expert, interpreter, translator
- Fabrication and processing of ammunition including pyrotechnic products or performance of research, development or testing fabrication of ammunition
- Fire protection technician or Fire protection specialist
- Floor covering
- Forwarding agents
- Galvanising of metals
- Geodetic and cartographic activities
- Geological works
- Goldsmithing and jewellery
- Insemination
- Regular inspection of heating systems, regular inspection of air-conditioning systems
- Installation and repair of refrigerating equipment
- Manicure – pedicure
- Manufacture and repair of orthopaedic footwear
- Manufacture and repair of prosthetic products
- Manufacture of bakery and confectionery products
- Masonry
- Massage services
- Mediation of employment for reimbursement except for activity of sport agent
- Mediator
- Men, ladies and children hairdressing
- Metalwork
- Mining activities
- Mountain Guiding Activity including guiding and accompanying persons on tourist paths and routes
- Operation of driving school
- Operation of embalmment and conservation
- Operation of educational facilities for preparation on conducting specialised activities in the branch of body culture
- Operation of graveyards or Operation of funeral service or Operation of crematorium
- Operation of industrial firebrigade
- Operation of public water networks of I. to III. category and operation of public sewage networks of I. to III. category
- Opthal optics
- Organizing of voluntary auction sales
- Patent representative
- Performance of activities of a building inspector or Performance of activities of construction supervision or Energetic certification
- Performance of activities of energy auditor
- Performance of blasting activities
- Performance of landscape architectural garden works
- Performance of supervision of implementation of construction of leisure facilities for individuals, ground structures and construction of site installations, with built-in area not exceeding 300 sq.m. and height of 15 m, small constructions and their modifications
- Performance of the activity of safety coordinator
- Plumbing and heating
- Preparation of documentation for nature and countryside protection
- Preparation of Economic Plans for Forestry
- Preparation of project documentation for simple structures, small structures and modification of such structures
- Production of dairy products
- Production of tobacco products
- Professional consultancy services for job applicants and interested persons except for activity of sport agent
- Professional counselling in area of integrated prevention and control of environmental pollution
- Projecting of land adjustments
- Provision of ground planning basic documents and ground planning documentation
- Repair, modification, destruction, deterioration or production of cuts of weapons
- Repair of machines
- Repairs and assembly of selected measuring instruments
- Repairs, Professional inspections and specialised tests of selected types of technological equipment
- Restoration, except of cultural monuments and works of fine art included in registered collections
- Restorer
- Roofer
- Roofing
- Safety-technical services
- Safety technician
- Sale of preparations for plant protection or other preparations
- Sale of pyrotechnic goods of class F2, subclass F3, subclass T1 and subclass P1
- Stonemasonry
- Stove building
- Tax adviser
- Teaching art subjects
- Teaching foreign languages or translating and interpreting services
- Technical certification of building industry products
- Testing of chimneys
- Thermal and sound insulation
- Tinplating
- Toolmaking
- Tourist guide
- Tour operator
- Training and education in labour safety
- Travel agent
- Trustee
- Watchmaking
- Water management activity
- Wellness massage services
- Work health service