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Public Administration

Trade Licensing

The conditions of pursuit of trade activities and control of compliance therewith regulate Act No. 455/1991 Coll. on Trade Licensing (Trade Licensing Act) as amended.

A trade on the territory of the Slovak Republic can be carried on by a natural person or a legal person who notifies the Trade Licensing Office (Point of Single Contact) and acquires Certificate of Trade Authorisation. Trade shall be notified by filling a form for a natural person or a legal person. 


Applicant for a Certificate of Trade Authorisation has to meet all general conditions for trading set in Article 6 of Trade Licensing Act (minimum age of 18 years, legal capacity and integrity), or if required by this Act, also special conditions for carrying on trade (professional or other qualification).
In its notification the applicant shall provide data necessary for requesting an extract from the criminal record, data necessary for registration in the system of mandatory health insurance (in case that this person is not yet registered in the system of mandatory health insurance in any of the EU Member States, Member State of the European Economic Area or Swiss Confederation) and data required for registration with the tax administrator.

Trade shall be notified at the Trade Licensing Office appropriate to the seat of the legal person or residential address of the natural person. For a foreign natural or legal person the appropriate Trades Licensing Office is in the seat of the region of the address of place of business of the foreign person or the address of place of business of the organisational unit of a foreign person (contact details are on the left hand side - section "Links").

All Trade Licensing Offices in the Slovak Republic work are Points of Single Contact (hereinafter referred to as PSC). PSCs were created with the aim of simplifying the access of Slovak and foreign entrepreneurs to the market. PSC concentrates all individual administrative acts in one place and provides all necessary formalities needed for issuing of authorisation for trade (for example: application to certain registers, declarations, notification, etc.). PSC also significantly reduce administrative burden on applicants and they are open to applicants for trade authorisation as well as to already established entrepreneurs.

Point of Single Contact

Logo SDG

In the territory of the Slovak Republic it is possible to pursue a trade without the need to be established here. In this case it is a cross-border (temporary) provision of services:

Information about entrepreneurs carrying on trade in the Slovak Republic can be found in the Trade Register of the Slovak Republic (e.g. business name, line of business or place of business, etc.):

A person can carry on trade in the Slovak Republic in two different legal statuses – either as a Slovak person or as a foreign person. In general, every foreign person can carry on trade under the same conditions as every Slovak person.




The Trade Register of the Slovak Republic

Contacts: Trade Licensing Offices:  


Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic

Division of Public Administration 

Department of Entrepreneurship

Drieňová 22

826 86 Bratislava 29


Tel.: 00421-2-48592401

Fax: 00421-2-43334726

E-mail: TA.13G4@A1A.DJF@  


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