Points of Single Contact
Based on Services Directive (PDF, 217 kB)POINTS OF SINGLE CONTACT (PSCs) in the Slovak Republic were set up in October 2007.Their aim is to provide information to business providing services and to simplify the procedures and formalities for Slovak and foreign businessmen in Slovakia. PSCs were set up also in other EU and EEA Member States.
PSCs in Slovakia provide a whole range of services for natural and legal persons with trade authorisations under the Act No. 455/1991 Coll. on Trade Licensing and since 1st of June 2010 these services are offered also to selected services providers who run their business based on authorisation other than trade authorisation (please follow this link to find out which services providers are entitled to use PSCs for setting up their business).
PSCs concentrate all administrative formalities necessary for starting up a business of service provider in one place (e.g. trade notifications, requests for authorisations based on special regulations, registration into corresponding registers, other notifications and forms, etc.).
PSCs can be found at all District Offices, Departments of Entrepreneurship (49 offices) in the Slovak Republic.
Do you need help with starting your business in Slovakia? You can find all necessary information on the webpage of electronic Points of Single Contact:
Main tasks of the PSCs in SVK
PSCs were set up with the aim to help services providers to establish themselves within the territory of the Slovak Republic and with the aim to assist them with running of their business.
PSCs have three main tasks:
► PSCs provide information on:
general and specific terms and conditions for trade and on conditions of the provision of services within the territory of the Slovak Republic, (e.g.: how to prove professional qualification for regulated trades, which documents should be attached to request for authorisation or how to prove integrity)
procedures of processing requisites connected with the possibility of acquiring authorisation for trade and access to the provision of services,
contact details of authorities which are competent, under special regulations, to making decisions in matters of trade and of the provision of services and of other subjects which may provide practical assistance to service providers or services beneficiaries, (PSCs cooperate with other authorised organs like for instance with Slovak Trade Chamber or other professional chambers, offices or organs of state administration)
possibilities of access to the public section of the register with databases of service providers, (in case of trade it is The Trade Register of the Slovak Republic. It is possible to ask for extract from this register)
generally available methods of resolution of disputes related to the origin of trade authorisation or to the possibility of provision of services and own provision of services.
► PSCs receive following data and documents necessary for setting up a business:
trade notifications pursuant to this regulation,
data and documents, including court fees required under special act for the purposes of submission of a application for authorisation to trade based on authorisation other than trade authorisation pursuant to special regulations,
data necessary for registration and notification of a tax-payer under a special regulation,
data necessary for registration in the system of mandatory health insurance and notification of change of the payer of insurance for the purpose of health insurance,
data and documents, including court fees required under special regulation for the purposes of data registration in the Companies Register,
data necessary to request extract from criminal record.
► PSCs send received data and documents:
PSCs send received data and documents required for acquiring an authorisation without undue delay in electronic form to competent authority entitled to decide about authorisation, other data are sent after the origin of trade authorisation or authorisation to trade pursuant to special regulations to tax office, health insurance companies and competent commercial court.
PSCs abroad
PSCs were set up also in other EU and EEA states. They help services providers to start their business in those countries; they provide all relevant information about running a business in their countries and they ensure that it is possible to finish all administrative formalities necessary for setting up a business by electronic means.
Points of Single Contact of EU/EHP member states are accessible here.