Preskočiť na hlavný obsah Prejsť na hlavnú ponuku

Verejná správa

Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky   Dnes je 11. október 2024, piatok

Contacts of the PSCs in Slovakia

In Slovakia there are 50 physical PSCs at every District Office, Department of Entrepreneurship and 8 of them in the seat of region serve as PSCs also for services providers with authorisation different from trade authorisation.


PSCs for service providers with trade authorisation:


Bratislava region

Trnava region

Trenčín region

Nitra region

Žilina region

Banská Bystrica region

Prešov region

Košice region


PSCs for services providers with authorisation based on Special Regulations:


District Office Bratislava, Department of Entrepreneurship acting as PSC

e-mail: TA.A1.S2@FDJF@


District Office Trnava, Department of Entrepreneurship acting as PSC

e-mail: TA.A1.KK@FDJF@


District Office Trenčín, Department of Entrepreneurship acting as PSC

e-mail: TA.A1.3K@FDJF@


District Office Nitra, Department of Entrepreneurship acting as PSC

e-mail: TA.A1.L3@FDJF@


District Office Žilina, Department of Entrepreneurship acting as PSC

e-mail: TA.A1.SJ@2PF_PY1@


District Office Banská Bystrica, Department of Entrepreneurship acting as PSC

e-mail: TA.A1.22@FDJF@


District Office Prešov, Department of Entrepreneurship acting as PSC

e-mail: TA.A1.Z2@FDJF@


District Office Košice, Department of Entrepreneurship acting as PSC

e-mail: TA.A1.YT@FDJF@


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