Instruction for sending electronic forms
Instructions for sending electronic form:
A person who wish to obtain an authorisation to provide services on the territory of the Slovak Republic can apply either by person or online for this authorisation using electronic forms on the link provided for natural persons and for legal persons.
Choose link in the text "electronically via the Central Public Administration Portal of the Slovak Republic at this link" and you will be redirected to Central Government Portal of Public Administration.
Choose "Prihlásiť sa na portál" if you own Slovak national eID and you will be automatically signed in the portal. If you do not have Slovak eID choose "Pôvodná verzia portálu". If you are already registered with the portal, sign in with name and password. If you are not registered in the portal yet, choose option "Zaregistrujte sa". Registration process is available in English after choosing English language on the top right. After you receive activation email form the portal, click on the link provided in the email and sign in with name and password.
Change language to English (top right icon) and choose "eServices".
Choose either "Services of Trade Licensing Register – Point of Single Contact" or "Acquiring a business licence pursuant to acts different than Trade Licensing Act – Point of Single Contact" according to what kind of services will be provided.
Choose appropriate electronic form, fill it in, attach reqeusted documents, sign the form with qualified electronic signature and send it. You will be informed about the process by messages sent by Point of Single Contact in your inbox.
Electronic forms:
By filling in and sending the electronic form an entrepreneur fullfils following duties:
registration with the Trade License Office
registration with the Tax Office
registration with the Health Insurance Company
registration with the Company Register (if neccesary)
PSC will request the extract from Criminal Register on behalf of entrepreneur
A person wishing to send electronic form has to have valid electronic signature for the purpose of signing the electronic form. Form is signed using either D.Signer/XAdES or QSign application. More information about electronic signature in Slovakia can be found on the website of National Security Authority of the Slovak Republic here.