The Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic is the Intermediary Body for the Operational Programme Quality of Environment (OP QE) for Priority Axis 3 – Promoting risk management, emergency management and resilience to emergencies affected by climate change, Specific Objective 3.1.1 – Increasing the level of preparedness to manage emergencies affected by climate change and Specific objective 3.1.3 – Increasing the effectiveness of management of emergencies affected by climate change.
The total allocation for the Investment Priority 3.1 that aims to address specific risks, preventions of disasters and developing disaster management systems represents an amount of 257 million Eur cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund and the State Budget of the Slovak Republic.
The main goal of Priority Axis 3 is:
- creating the systems of risk assessment and early warning
- remediation of emergency landslides
- hydrogeological survey
- strengthening the intervetion capacity for emergencies management at local and regional level
- supporting specialised resue modules.
The Operational Programme Quality of Environment was approved by the Government Resolution no. 175/2014 dated April 16, 2014 and subsequently by the Commission dated October 28, 2014.
The global objective of the OP QE is to support sustainable and efficient resource use ensuring environmental protection, active adaptation to climate change and promotion of an energy efficient, low-carbon economy.
The Managing Authority for the OP QE is the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.
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