The Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic has been applying for a non-refundable payment within the Operational Program Research and Innovation (OP R&I), Priority Axis 1 – Research, Development and Innovation Support, Specific Objective 1.1.3. – Enhancing research activity through better coordination and consolidation of the R&D research institutions.
The National Project Intent „Long-term strategic research and development in the field of internal security“ has been approved during the OP RaI Monitoring Committee on September 29, 2015. Activities in material and ICT research will focus on enhancing the safety, resilience and sustainability of industrial and social infrastructure, as well as development of innovative procedures, materials and products enhancing these systematically.
Implementation of the national project will contribute to:
- state and public institutions´ research activities increase in two out of four RIS3 SK areas of specialisation from the point of view of available scientific and research capacities (material and ICT research);
- platform for the cooperation and concentration of fragment research activities of various research institutions, the coordination of research potential of the state and public institutions;
- integration of the existing infrastructure of research and development, avoiding duplications;
- development of human potential and scientific research personal capacities, able to participate in international research activities and capable to address the assignments from customers and market.
The Managing Authority of the OP R&I is The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.
Documents for download | |
Operational programme Research and Innovation (2,8 MB) | |
Prezentácia zámeru národného projektu Ministerstva vnútra SR, MV OP VaI, 29.09.2015 (1,5 MB) | |