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MI SR and European Union

Opening Conference

The new Operational Programme will bring more effective justice system and less bureaucracy
Each citizen will go through less bureaucratic obligations after having a baby, simplified marriage procedures or less bureaucracy regarding the change of residence. The simplification of basic situations, that appear in every day life, is just an example of aims of the Operational Programme Effective Public Administration.
These aims and ambitions were introduced by the Minister of Interior – Robert Kaliňák in cooperation with the Minister of Justice - Tomáš Borec, the Representative of the European Commision - Michael Morass and the Representative of the OECD - Adam Ostry at the Opening Conference of the OP EPA that took place on 19 January in Bratislava.
The EU financial contribution will support a decrease of bureaucratic offical procedures for the citizens
The Operational Programme Effective Public Administration was approved by the European Commission on 27. November 2014. A vision of the reformed public administration system is that by the 2020 a client will be able to solve all life situations quickly and effectively in one modern public administration centre or online from home. „Till now, the reform transformed the office structure, technical abbility and buildings equipments. Thanks to the Operational Programme it is now possible to focus on the improvement of procedures and  bureaucrat skills to provide pro-client orientated services to fulfil client´s demands“, explained Robert Kaliňák, the Minister of the Interior.
The Operational Programme promises more effective justice system
Apart from the investment into excelent and efficient public administration services, professional approaches or transparent system of procurement, a part of the approved budget will support law enforcement and efficiency of the judicial system. „These means will be used to optimise procedures, shorten the length of court proceedings, increase amenity number of cases in the courts and to reduce delays and administrative burdens”, said Tomáš Borec, the Minister of Justice.
The reformed public administration makes life situations simplier
The new Operational Programme of the Ministry of Interior has a strong ambition to create conditions for excelent and accessible public administration services in every aspect of life or business. „We wish to simplify life situations for people. It is crucial, that a citizen will not revisit the institutions but the application will be administrated efficiently. For example, a common fact such a birth of a baby requires many bureaucratic steps including the visit of various institutions. A desired condition is to quarantee just one visit for parents and the rest of administration will be dealt among the offices or institutions. We wish to apply similar procedural steps also for another life situations such as a change of residence, marriage or decease“, added Mr. Kaliňák.
The impact of legislative changes regarding citizens and businessmen will be analysed.
Presently, a systematic assessment of impacts of the legislative norms and changes regarding business sector and particular groups of citizens is not implemented in Slovakia. The main reason is that legislative adjustment do not always provide a problem solving approach of expected aims, or the cost of applied regulations outweigh the actual benefits. To diminish the risk, that applied regulations will negatively affect business environment and citizens, will be targed by the means of analytical support units that will be systematically consulted with effected groups and the potencial impacts of regulations will be evalueted, explained Rut Erdelyiová, the Director General, Directorate for EuropeanProgrammes, Ministry of Interior of the Slovak republic.
The implementation of the Operational Programme will be an added value to the fulfilment of the National Strategic Aims of  modern, professional, efficient, reliable, non-corrupt  and transparent public administration in the Slovak republic in 2020.
A full version of the Operational Programme is available here (PDF, 2 MB).

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