Current situation in the field of combating Trafficking in Human Beings in Slovakia
Slovakia is considered to be mainly a source country for victims of trafficking in human beings. Still, trafficking in human beings occurs also domestically, as may be seen from the statistical data collected in Slovakia.
In 2017, together 19 trafficked individuals entered a specialized Programme of Support and Assistance to Victims of Trafficking („programme“) which offers services of complex assitance to victims of trafficking. Total number of 35 victims of trafficking were provided with assistance and support in 2015. The number reflects the victims who entered the programme in the previous years and were provided with care also in relation to criminal proceedings.
In 2017, together 8 female victims of trafficking (i.e. 42 %) entered the programme. The number of female victims of trafficking increased in comparison with 2016. The majority of female victims in 2017 originated from the east of Slovakia (Košice region), same as last year. Together 11 male victims entered the programme in 2017 which represents 58 % of all victims entered in the programme in 2017. The majority of them originated from the east of Slovakia (Košice and Prešov region).
The prevailing number of victims originated from the eastern part of Slovakia (Košice and Prešov region), same as in the last years. The eastern region has been the most frequent place of origin of victims previously. This is the reason for the need to continue in preventive activities in this region.
Information Centre for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and for Crime Prevention under the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic is responsible for elaboration of annual reports related to the effectiveness of the programme. The programme is realized on the basis of cooperation of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic with non-governmental organisations and international organisation.
The Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic concluded a contract with the company Slovak Telekom a,s, on the establishment of the National Helpline for Victims of Trafficking 0800 800 818 (+421 800 800 818 from abroad). The national helpline serves to provide preventive information about what to do before travel abroad, identification of victims of trafficking and provision of relevant assistance to potential victims of trafficking. There were 752 calls on the national helpline in 2017.