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MI SR and European Union


The Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic is the Intermediary Body for the Operational Programme Human Resources in the programming period 2014-2020. As a part of its priorities, the Ministry will focus on the integration of marginalised Roma communities and the provision of infrastructure in municipalities with presence of marginalised Roma communities.

Priority axis integrating the Roma communities reflects the Europe 2020 targets for employment, education, poverty and social exclusion. The specific objectives are aimed at support of desegregation and create space for projects supporting education, employment, healthcare and housing. The basic assumption of solving problems is the comprehensive principle application, thus long-term interventions in a form of “take-away” package. These activities of socio-economic integration of marginalised communities are supported by the European Social Fund and the allocation exceeds 163.5 million EUR. Access of the population of separated and segregated Roma communities to housing, drinking and household water, adequate engineering networks and regular communal waste collection in compliance with hygienic norms will be ensured on behalf of the Priority Axis Technical facilities in municipalities with presence of marginalised Roma communities. Availability of kindergartens in municipalities with the presence of manginalised Roma communities will also be promoted. In order to improve access to employment and to create optimal conditions for the promotion of community development and community services, investments will be directed to the area of social infrastructure and building social economy entities with relevant consultation and counselling assists. Implementation of projects under this priority axis is provided by funds from the European Regional Development Fund. A total amount of 286.6 million EUR is intended to provide support of physical, economic and social regeneration of deprived communities and rural areas to provide support for social enterprises.

Operational Programme Human Resources was approved by the Government Resolution no. 229/2014 dated May 14, 2014 and subsequently by the Commission Decision no. CCI 2014SK05M0OP001 dated December 9, 2014.

The Managing Authority for the Operational Programme Human Resources is the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic.

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