Programme of Support and Protection for Victims of Human Trafficking
No. 583/2008 Coll. on the Prevention of Criminality and Other Anti-social Activities and on amendments and supplements to certain acts enabled the establishment of a facility of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic - the Information Centre for Combating Human Trafficking and for Crime Prevention (hereinafter referred to as “Information Centre”). This facility is a sponsor of the Programme of Support and Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking (hereinafter referred to as “programme”) which is an instrument of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic with the participation of service providers for providing assistance and support to victims of human trafficking where there are reasonable grounds for believing that they became victims.
The programme is stipulated in the internal regulation of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic - the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic Decree No. 180/2013 on Ensuring the Programme of Support and Protection for Victims of Human Trafficking (hereinafter referred to as „decree“).
The programme for victims includes isolation from the criminal environment, information about reflection period in the territory of the Slovak Republic and if needed also information about the possibility to provide international protection in case the victims is a third-county national, assistance to a national of the Slovak Republic with voluntary return to the Slovak Republic, social assistance, psychological and social counselling, psychotherapeutic services, translation and interpretation services, legal counselling, healthcare, requalification courses, possibility of being included in the Witness Protection Program under special law, possibility for financial compensation under special law, assistance to a national of a member state of the European Union and a third-country national with assisted voluntary return to the country of origin and mediation of assistance by organization active in the country of origin as well as possibility of safe accommodation.