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Public Administration

Authorised architect (visiting) and Authorised landscape architect (visiting)

Requirements for the obtaining of an authorisation to pursue the profession of an visiting architect

The Slovak Chamber of Architects (hereinafter the “Chamber” will include in the register of visiting architects and the register of visiting landscape architects

a) when visiting for the first time: a person who demonstrates that he/she

  1. is a national of a Member State (EU Member State, a state that is a contracting party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, and the Swiss Confederation);
  2. is a person of integrity;
  3. provides an evidence of education which meets the minimum requirements;
  4. is entitled to pursue a regulated profession in the home Member State; otherwise it is necessary to demonstrate that, during the previous ten years, he/she pursued activities constituting the regulated profession (architect, landscape architect) for a minimum period of two years; 
  5. holds third-party liability insurance for damage caused in connection with the pursuit of profession in the territory of the Slovak Republic;

b) when extending the visiting term or when visiting repeatedly, if the previous visiting term ended less than two years ago: a person who demonstrates that he/she

  1. is a person of integrity;
  2. holds third-party liability insurance for damage caused in connection with the pursuit of the profession in the territory of the Slovak Republic.

The term “visiting” means temporary pursuit of profession in the Slovak Republic by an architect established in the home Member State by means of registration in the register of visiting architects. Registration is valid for a minimum period of one year and may be extended by one year at a time.
Anyone who has been lawfully convicted of an intentional criminal offence or other criminal offence committed in connection with the pursuit of profession and the sentence has not been annulled, is not a person of integrity.
An applicant seeking the recognition of evidence of education must attach, with the application for recognition, an original copy of the evidence of education or its officially authenticated copy; a notarized or other officially authenticated copy of the evidence of education may be substituted by a certificate issued by the regulatory authority of the home Member State. If compliance with requirements related to the contents of education must be examined in connection with the evidence of education, a certificate of the educational establishment which issued the evidence of education must be attached with the application. As an annex to the certificate, the contents of the field of study or professional training with a confirmation of completed exams must be provided. In the case of documents or studies in a foreign country, a translation into the state language must be attached; this does not apply to the contents of the field of study provided in the Czech language. 

The minimum requirements for education in the field of architecture are fulfilled, if training

  1. comprised at least four years of full-time studies or six years of overall studies, at least three years of which on a full-time basis for the master’s degree at a university or comparable teaching institution, with architecture constituting the principal component of training;
  2. maintained a balance between theoretical and practical aspects throughout the entire duration of training;
  3. led to successful completion of a university-level education by passing the final exam, and
  4. guaranteed the acquisition of the following knowledge and skills:
    1. ability to create architectural designs that satisfy both aesthetic and technical requirements;
    2. knowledge of the history and theories of architecture and the related arts, technologies and human sciences;
    3. knowledge of the fine arts as an influence on the quality of architectural design;
    4. knowledge of urban design, planning and the skills involved in the planning process;
    5. understanding of the relationship between people and buildings, and between buildings and their environment, and of the need to relate buildings and the spaces between them to human needs and scale;
    6. understanding of the profession of architecture and the role of the architect in society, in particular in preparing briefs that take account of social factors;
    7. understanding of the methods of investigation and preparation of the brief for a design project;
    8. understanding of the structural design, constructional and engineering problems associated with building design;
    9. adequate knowledge of physical problems and technologies and of the function of buildings so as to provide them with internal conditions of comfort and protection against the climate;
    10. the necessary design skills to meet building users’ requirements within the constraints imposed by cost factors and building regulations;
    11. adequate knowledge of the industries, organisations, regulations and procedures involved in translating design concepts into buildings and integrating plans into overall planning.

In order to gain access to the regulated profession, professional experience is required under the supervision of an architect, landscape architect or in their architectural studio or bureau over a minimum period of three years after the completion of studies. Professional experience is demonstrated by a record of professional experience.

The Chamber will not register in the registry of visiting architects and the register of visiting landscape architects a person who, despite meeting the above condition, is

  1. subject to criminal or disciplinary proceedings; 
  2. in bankruptcy;
  3. in detention in the Member State.

If the profession of an architect is not regulated in the home Member State, or is regulated in a manner that the pursuit of profession does not require professional experience, authorisation test or an aptitude test designated otherwise, the Chamber is authorised to impose a compensation measure; this does not apply to applicants who, according to a certificate of the regulatory authority in the home Member State, pursued the profession of architecture in the home Member State for more than seven years before submitting the application.

If the profession of a landscape architect is not regulated in the home Member State, or is regulated in a manner that the pursuit of profession does not require a master’s degree, professional experience, authorisation test or an aptitude test designated otherwise, the Chamber will impose a compensation measure.
Compensation measure means retesting or completion of an adaptation period. The manner in which the compensation measure is applied can be chosen by the applicant. The retesting is taken before an examining board. The purpose of retesting is to identify differences by comparing the professional experience with the minimum requirements for architectural education. If, in order to gain access to the profession in the home Member State, the applicant did not take an authorisation test or an aptitude test designated otherwise, the retesting will comprise the written part of the authorisation test.  The written part is taken in the form of a test.  The test serves to verify applicant’s knowledge of legislation and technical standards applicable to the profession. Adaptation period means professional experience under supervision over a period of three years. If, in order to gain access to the profession in the home Member State, the applicant worked under supervised practice for less than three years, professional experience in the duration of the difference between the supervised practice and three years is required for the purposes of the adaptation period.

Additional information on the pursuit of the activities of an architect

As part of the regulated profession of an architect and landscape architect, the professions of authorised architect and authorised landscape architect are recognised, both of which are registered in the list of authorised architects and authorised landscape architects. The application for registration on these lists cannot be submitted through the SPC, but must be filed with the Chamber directly.

Fees for the issuance of an authorisation to pursue the profession of an architect

Fee for registration in the registry........................................................85 €
Note: Payments are not collected at the time of submission of application, but only at the registration date and constitute the income of the Chamber.

Application procedure for the obtaining of an authorisation to pursue the profession of an architect

With the application for registration in the register of visiting architects and the register of visiting landscape architects, the applicant is required to attach the following documents:

  1. proof of identity (an ID card or a passport)
  2. a statement from the Slovak register of criminal records and a confirmation by the Chamber or other registration authority that no criminal or disciplinary proceedings were brought against the applicant and that the applicant is not in bankruptcy;
  3. evidence of architectural education,
  4. a certificate by the competent authority of the home Member State attesting that the applicant is an architect who has obtained qualification by fulfilling the conditions of Directive 2005/36/EC and is authorised, at the time of submission of application, to pursue the profession of an architect for at least two years, is not subject to disciplinary proceedings and is not in bankruptcy. 
  5. proof of third-party liability insurance for damage caused in connection with the pursuit of profession in the territory of the Slovak Republic.

For recurring registrations in the registry, only the statement from the Slovak register of criminal records and evidence of a valid insurance contract is required.

Application form

Applicant can send the form which can be downloaded from the webpage of Chamber of architects directly to the competent organ or application form can be sent electronically through Central Government Portal at this link and press "Enter the portal" (information about electronic procedure can be found here).




Related legislation:

  • Act No.138/1992 Coll. on Authorised Architects and Authorised Civil Engineers, as amended 
  • Act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended

Competent organ:

Slovenská komora architektov (Slovak Chamber of Architects)
Panská ulica 15
811 01 Bratislava
Phone No.: +421 2 5443 1080, +421 2 5443 1254
Fax: +421 2 5443 0863


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