State Bodies of the SR Implementing the Schengen Acquis
Schengen acquis area |
Content |
Managing Entity and a co-managing entity |
1. |
Police co-operation (including the fight against terrorism, organised crime and drug criminality) |
MOI SR – managing entity |
2. |
N SIS and SIRENE office |
MOI SR – managing entity |
3. |
Border management |
MOI SR – managing entity |
4. |
Migration |
MOI SR – managing entity |
5. |
Visa policy |
MOI SR – managing entity |
6. |
Customs co-operation |
MF SR – CD – managing entity |
7. |
Data protection |
Data Protection Authority of the SR – manager |
8. |
Education in the area of European affairs and the Schengen acquis |
MOI SR – managing entity |
9. |
Justice co-operation |
MJ SR – managing entity |
Abbreviations used:
MOI SR Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic
MFA SR Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic
MF SR – CD Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic – Customs Directorate
MJ SR Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic
GPO SR General Prosecutor´s Office of the Slovak Republic
MA SR Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic
MTCRD SR Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development
of the Slovak Republic
CBPA Central Body of Public Administration
MLSAF SR Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic