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Schengen evaluation process of the Slovak Republic

In order to assess a correct and full application of the Schengen acquis, in 1998 the Schengen Executive Committee established a Standing Committee on the evaluation and implementation of Schengen (currently "Schengen Evaluation Working Group of the EU Council"). The Working Group mainly assesses the level of implementation and application of the valid Schengen acquis and the Schengen standards by the states which are being evaluated. The evaluation is made for land, air and sea borders, police cooperation, data protection, visa and the Schengen Information System/SIRENE.

In the Declaration of the Minister of Interior of the Slovak Republic as of 20th December 2004, the Slovak Republic declared its readiness to start the evaluation process regarding the correct application of the Schengen acquis and of the Schengen standards with the intention to integrate the Slovak Republic into the Schengen Area.

The process of Schengen evaluation of the Slovak Republic started on 20th December 2005 by presenting individual institutions and respective bodies at the meeting of the Schengen Evaluation Working Group of the EU Council in Brussels. The following picture represents the history of the Schengen evaluation process in the Slovak Republic:



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