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Public Administration

Services by sector

All necessary information about starting the business in Slovakia are arranged in following sectors. 

If you do not find the service you are looking for, it might be one of the unregulated trades. Please follow this link to see the indicative list of unregulated trades and the guide about how to get a trade authorisation for unregulated trade.

List of sectors:

Agriculture – Plant and Livestock Production, Forestry and Fishery
Construction and Selected Services in Construction
Energy Services
Financial Services
Funeral and Health Services including Veterinary Services
Legal and Advisory services
Manufacture of Products, Machines and Instruments
Mining Activities
Other Services

Social Services and Employment
Tourism, Culture and Sport

Weapons, Security and Protection of Persons and Property, including Fire Protection and Occupational Health and Safety


List of services by sectors:

Agriculture – Plant and Livestock Production, Forestry and Fishery 


Construction and Selected Services in Construction


Energy Services


Financial services

Funeral and Health Services including Veterinary Services

Legal and Advisory services

Manufacture of Products, Machines and Instruments

Mining activities

Other Services

Social Services and Employment

Tourism, culture and sport

Weapons, Security and Protection of Persons and Property, including Fire Protection and health and safety at work


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Last modification: 19. 1. 2024



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