Aim of the counter-corruption e-learning program
The aim of the anti-corruption e-learning program "Integrity against Corruption" is to strengthen the culture of integrity, eliminate the potential for corruption in national and international environments, enhance moral imperatives and ensure growth and prosperity across society through e-learning and in line with the international legal framework. The anti-corruption on-line education program is designed to improve the professional potential, raise awareness and educate employees in the field of public administration, business sector, civil society and the general public.
Focus of the counter-corruption e-learning program
The anti-corruption e-learning program is made up of three learning modules, namely "Integrity in public service", "Eradication of potential for corruption" and "Raising awareness of corruption in the international business environment". The content of training modules consists of textual information, in the form of practical application of legal instruments, internal regulations, anti-corruption prevention programs, as well as international standards and recommendations developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Part of the training modules is also an interactive part of the questionnaire, with alternative questions and an evaluation of the relevance of the answers given.
Education modules of the anti-corruption e-learning program are developed with the emphasis on raising expertise and promoting awareness in addressing public service integrity challenges, preventing and combating corruption, including corruption of foreign public officials in international business transactions, in an acceptable and visually attractive manner in a 24/7 regime. Electronic pages, subpages, related documents and a questionnaire are displayed in Slovak and English language mutations.
Auspices of the counter-corruption e-learning program
Creation of the anti-corruption e-learning program is a reflection of mutual interaction of internal conditions of the Slovak Republic and the interests of their improvement and alignment with the demanding standards of international community of OECD countries. The anti-corruption on-line education program was set up by the National Crime Agency, the Presidium of the Police Force with inputs from the Public Sector Integrity Division of the OECD's Directorate for Public Governance for the module on public sector integrity.
Content of the module on public integrity was developed by the OECD Directorate for Public Governance and translated by the National Crime Agency. Within this module, international policies, recommendations, integrity standards, as well as successful models and examples of effective solutions to strengthen the legal framework and improve conditions Integrity in the public service and in the use of public resources and resources within the Slovak Republic are mediated.
Modules "Eradicating potential for corruption" and "Raising awareness of corruption in the international business environment" were developed under the terms of the National Crime Agency of the Presidium of the Police Force. These modules reflect internal needs of the Slovak Republic to increase the professional level in the prevention of corruption, as well as international obligations stemming from OECD membership, in the context of raising awareness and eliminating the potential for corruption of foreign public officials in international business transactions.