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Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky   Dnes je 15. September 2024, Sunday

Passenger Information unit

There is a requirement for Slovak republic to establish a National passenger information unit (labeled as “PIU SK” after this point) based on the Directive 2016/681 on the use of passenger name record data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime jointly adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU on 27th April 2016.

PIU SK was established within framework of Bureau of International Police Cooperation of Presidium of Police force on 1st January 2017.  The position and tasks of PIU SK as a separate department of Police force, which ensures the processing of records of passenger traveling via air are based on regulations of Act. 171/1993 Z.z. about the Police Force.

Passenger Name Record (labeled as “PNR” after this point) data is the information provided by air passengers and collected by air carriers when booking flights and carrying out the check-in process for the purpose of processing reservations and which is then stored in reservation systems, systems for departure control or other equal systems providing this kind of function in commercial air travel.

PNR can be processed only for the purpose of preventing, detecting or prosecuting of selected criminal offences, for the purpose of tracing the perpetrators of selected crimes and for the purpose of facilitating border control and combating illegal immigration.


 - Assesses the passengers through automated process before their planned arrival in the territory of Slovak republic, or before their departure from the territory of Slovak republic and provides the results of the assessment to Slovak competent authority or Europol

 - Provides the result of the assessment to Slovak competent authority or Europol based on their request, or analyzes PNR for the purposes of updating, or creating, new criterions, which can be used for assessments performed in the first point

 - PNR and the result of their assessment can be provided by passenger information unit to Slovak competent authority and Europol only for the purpose of creating further measures in the prevention, detection or prosecution of selected criminal offenses, or for tracing the perpetrators of selected criminal offenses