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Ministry of Interior of the Slovak republic   Today is 1. September 2024, Sunday

Entry of foreigners into the territory of the Slovak Republic during an emergency situation

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Entry through the external border with Ukraine related to the declaration of state of war within Ukrainian territory

Based on humanitarian grounds after an individual assessment the Slovak Republic will allow third country nationals to enter from Ukraine, even if they do not fulfil one or more entry conditions stipulated by Art. 6 (1) of the Schengen Borders Code (e. g. they are not in possession of travel document, they do not have visa if they are required so, etc.). In order to speed up the procedure of border checks at border crossing points, we suggest persons entering Slovakia, if they do not have travel documents, to present other identity documents, documents of residence status in Ukraine (even expired), or for children the birth certificate, if they have such documents with them.

Last Modify: 27. 8. 2024, 06:52


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