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Ministry of Interior of the Slovak republic   Today is 20. September 2024, Friday

Invitation of an foreigner

Invitation – a supporting document that allows the Embassy of the Slovak Republic to decide in the proceedings ongranting of a Schengen visa. An invitation may be replaced by a guest agreement (in relation to the admission of foreigners for research and development purposes).

An application for invitation verification shall be submitted in person at the Department of Foreign Police the Police Force based on the address of residence of the inviting person or the registered office of a legal person.

A foreigner (only a third-country national) may be invited by a natural person who is:

  • A citizen of the Slovak Republic with permanent residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic,
  • A foreigner legally residing in the territory of the Slovak Republic (exceptions are stipulated in §19(2)(a/ of the Act No. 404/2011 Coll. on Residence of Foreigners), or
  • A legal person having its registered office in the territory of the Slovak Republic.

An invitation shall be submitted on an official application form, giving the information about the inviting person, the invited foreigner, the purpose of the foreigner’s invitation to the territory of the Slovak Republic, the obligation of the inviting person to cover all costs related to the stay and travelling of the invited foreigner. The application for the invitation of a foreigner shall be accompanied by proof of payment of the administrative fee in the amount of EUR 33.

The documents to be attached to the application for invitation verification by the inviting person (documents not older than 90 days) must prove:

  • Purpose of stay – documents proving
    • Family relationship,
    • Authorisation to conduct business,
    • Business or other working relations with the invited person,
    • Organisation of cultural, sport or scientific event,
    • Study or other form of education,
    • Provision of health care, or
    • Invitation purpose in another reliable way.
  • Ability of the inviting person to pay all the costs related to the stay and departure of the invited foreigner
    • Confirmation of balance on an account kept by a local bank, branch of a foreign bank or a foreign bank issued to his/her name.

Note: The balance on the account kept by a bank must amount in total to twelve times the subsistence minimum and the financial resources for each day of the stay of the invited person (Decree of SR No. 499/2011).   

  • Provision of accommodation
    • Confirmation of accommodation facility on providing accommodation,
    • Declaration of honour by a real estate owner on providing accommodation, or
    • Declaration of honour by a real estate tenant on providing accommodation, if authorized. 

The Foreign Police department of the Police Forces decides on the invitation verification within 15 days of receipt of the application. The confirmation of invitation verification is valid for 90 days from the date of issued.

The request for verification of invitation shall be submitted in person at the local Department of Foreign Police based on the place of residence of the inviting person. The application form for invitation verification can be obtained at any Department of Foreign Police of the Police Force, or it can be downloaded from our website.

The documents submitted to the request for verification of the invitation must not be older than 90 days (except for the registration documents).

Invitation by a natural person

A foreigner may be invited by a natural person who is:

  • A citizen of the Slovak Republic with permanent residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic, or
  • A foreigner with a granted permanent residence permit, or
  • A foreigner with a granted temporary residence permit.

A person only may be invited who is:

  • A relative (only the following – parent, child, grandparent, grandson, sibling, husband, wife, son-in-law, daughter-in-law),
  • Other than a relative – such person may only be invited with the consent of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic.

Invitation by a legal person

A legal person or a natural person authorized to conduct business may invite a foreigner who performs similar activities to the Slovak territory. An application for professional invitation verification shall be submitted at the local Department of Foreign Police office of the Police Force based on the place of residence of the inviting natural person or by the registered office of the inviting legal person. The application for professional invitation verification shall be submitted on an official application form, giving the information about the inviting person, the invited foreigner, the purposes of the invitation to the territory of the Slovak Republic and the obligation of the inviting person to cover all costs related to the stay and departure of the invited foreigner.

The request for verification of the foreigner's invitation shall be accompanied by proof of payment of the administrative fee of EUR 33 for each invited person and proof that the inviting person is able to pay all costs associated with the stay and travelling of the invited foreigner.

Another component of a professional invitation is stating the function of the inviting person in the company, company name, registered office and business activities of the company. If the application is submitted by an authorised person, the authorisation shall include the scope of powers of that person. 


Last Modify: 8. 12. 2021, 10:53


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