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Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky   Dnes je 6. február 2025, štvrtok

Booking form with possibility of choosing among more options, such as applying for granting of various types of residence, or their renewal

17. 04. 2019

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Bureau of Border and Foreign Police of the Presidium of the Police Force prepared changes  with regard to improvement of services for applicants for residence and holders of valid residence permit in the territory of the Slovak Republic

These changes are related to the possibility of booking a specific date and time for applying for granting or prolonging a residence permit in the territory of the Slovak Republic at locally competent Departments of the Foreign Police of the Police Force, in order to eliminate long waiting queues at the departments.

On the website you can find a booking form  with possibility of choosing among more options, such as applying for granting of various types of residence, or their renewal. After completing a specific request, a confirmation email will be sent to you and you will be given a specific date and time for arriving at the Department of the Foreign Police of the Police Force.

A confirmation email with concrete date and time is important.

Please note,  that you should fill in the applications at those Foreign Police Departments, where you will be staying. You also need to be careful with the validity of your residence permit in order to avoid a situation when your application for renewal will be refused.

It is possible to book a date and time at maximum one month .

If you have not been given a concrete date and time for submitting of your application due to capacity reasons, or if the date and time given is not convenient to you, you still will be able to come to the Foreign Police Department of the Police Force without having a reservation as up to now. Please note that clients booked in advance will have a priority.

The system will be continually improved to meet all requirements.