Preskočiť na hlavný obsah Prejsť na hlavnú ponuku


Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky   Dnes je 18. január 2025, sobota

Commercial transports of firearms and ammunition


In the Slovak republic, any commercial transport (incl. import, export or transit) of firearms or ammunition by dealers or other business professionals has to be permitted by relevant police authority - the Presidium of the Police Force.

Consequently, permitted transports have to be notified to the e-mail TA.13G4@YPF.S1SLDYLD@  at least one WORKING day before actual commencement of transport.

From 01. 07. 2023 it is necessary to fill in and send the "Notification on the transport of firearms and ammunition" in pdf form, which is published (in editable form) in the section "Dokumenty na stiahnutie”/ Documents for download at: – in Slovak language “2. Oznámenie o preprave zbraní a streliva” attached files “3. Zoznam ZBRANÍ_príloha, “4. Zoznam STRLIVA”, “5. Zoznam INY TOVAR”. 


From 01. 07. 2023, on the basis of § 47 para 7, a new obligation is imposed on entrepreneurs in the field of arms and ammunition concerning road transport, specifically to ensure continuous (GPS) monitoring of the movement of the means of transport, transporting more than 100 firearms or more than 200 000 rounds of ammunition by the Police Force – more information at: . For GPS you have to integrat your GPS provider to to AVL system. Technical support (for AVL) available at: +421/917 570 696. 


Entrepreneurs, Businessmen, intending to transport arms and ammunition within the territory of the Slovak Republic are supposed to apply for permission to weapon and ammunition transport at the Slovak Ministry of the Interior. This application should be addressed to the following address: 

 Prezídium Policajného zboru

odbor dokladov a evidencií

Račianska 45

81272 Bratislava

e-mail:  TA.13G4@YPF.S1SLDYLD@ 

The firearms and ammunition transport requirements (either import, export or transit) are stated in §§ 47 and 48 of the Act No. 190/2003 Coll. on Firearms and Ammunition as amended.

We would like to point out, that according to the administrative charges tariff anchored in the Slovak National Parliamentary Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative charges as amended is each handed in application for weapons and ammunition transport permission to businessmen charged with 40,00 €.

The application for transfer of firearms and ammunition must contain information stated in § 47 para 2, basically:

a) personal information of person who is asking for permission (producer, purchaser or carrier, in the last case there is an authorization needed) / name of the company, address, 

b) personal information of  purchaser /  company’s name, address , telephone, e-mail,

c) destination and address where the goods are to be transported

d) the type and number of transported firearms and ammunition

e) copies of conformity assessment output documents issued by an authorised person or a declaration of conformity, except for transported firearms or transported ammunition, for which the applicant shall submit a document demonstrating compliance with the requirement pursuant to a special regulation, if at the time of submission of the application he/she has such documents at his/her disposal,

f) the mode/type of transport, the means of transport and details of the carrier; this shall not apply where the transport of arms or ammunition is between entrepreneurs,

g) the method of securing of firearms and ammuition against loss, theft and misuse of transported weapons and ammunition on the territory of the Slovak Republic,

h) the expected date of the start and the end of transport in the Slovak Republic.

The application shall be accompanied by an officially certified copy of the export license or other authorization of the country of the exporter, Import Permit and Certificate of Administrative Charges of  40,00 €:

a) confirmation of payment of the administrative fee (electronic stamp) from the kiosk for the payment of the administrative fees installed at the individual workplaces of the vehicle registration, client centers,

b) confirmation for the registration of the fee in nominal value purchased at a branch of the Slovak Post Office

c) web / mobile application "eKolok SP, a.s." in the form of a printed QR code of the eColle from the web application or the QR code of the eKolok on the mobile device.


1.) The applicant may request (in his/her written application) for the payment order issued by the Ministry of the Interior) to pay the administrative fee by bank transfer. After payment it is important to send:

a) proof of payment by postal money order to the Slovak Post account by email to TA.13G4@JDDYPF.S1SLDYLD@

b) proof of transfer from bank account by email to TA.13G4@JDDYPF.S1SLDYLD@

2.) Administrative procedure for issuance transport permissions according to Act No. 71/1967 Col. on administrative procedure as amended.

3.) The Ministry of the Interior issues transport permissions for a time period that is in compliance with the validity of export license, resp. validity of the time period determined in the import permission, usually if the period does not exceed 1 year. The carrier is during the transport supposed to have the permission with him to be whenever submitted to the police authorities.

4.) Pursuant to the provisions of § 6 para 2 of the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 270/1995 Coll. on the State Language of the Slovak Republic, as amended, the entire agenda and documentation of the armed forces, armed security forces, other armed forces and fire brigades shall be kept in the State language. In accordance with the provisions of Article 1(1) of the above-mentioned Act, the official language in the territory of the Slovak Republic is Slovak.

In accordance with the provisions of the above-mentioned Act, an application for a permit for the transport of firearms and ammunition, including all attachments, shall be submitted by post, e-submission (in particular for entrepreneurs established in the territory of the Slovak Republic with business licences for the import/export/transfer of products issued by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic) or in person in the Slovak language or in the Czech language or in another language with an officially certified translation into the Slovak language made by an interpreter registered in the list of experts and interpreters.

Written notification of transport from 01. 07. 2023

The company/person that/who has been issued a permit for the transport of firearms or ammunition is obliged to notify the Department of Documents and Registers of the Presidium of the Police Force in writing via e-mail to TA.13G4@JDDYPF.S1SLDYLD@ at least one day before the start of the transport (within the territory of the Slovak Republic) information regarding the transport by filling in the "Notification of transport of firearms and ammunition".

From 01. 07. 2023 it is necessary to fill in and send the "Notification on the transport of firearms and ammunition" in pdf form, which is published (in editable form) in the section "Dokumenty na stiahnutie”/ Documents for download at: – in Slovak language (“2. Oznámenie o preprave zbraní a streliva” attached files “3. Zoznam ZBRANÍ_príloha, “4. Zoznam STRLIVA”, “5. Zoznam INY TOVAR”).

Contact for further information: TA.13G4@JDDYPF.S1SLDYLD@.

Monitoring (GPS) of transport from 01. 07. 2023

The carrier who is going to transport firearms or ammunition is supposed to acknowledge by mail – TA.13G4@JDDYPF.S1SLDYLD@ the exact date of start and date of the transport, etc. All information are available in Slovak language at: